All the info you need to level up your screencasts is right here.
3 Videos
·7 Minutes
Welcome to the course! This video serves as an overview of who I am and what you can expect throughout this course.
Watch lessonThis entire course comes from a single point of view: mine! I'll tell you up front about all the things I care about, and you can decide if you care about the same things.
Watch lessonThe question on everyone's mind: will you get rich selling courses? I don't know! It's entirely possible, but it may also lead to jobs, consulting, or other good things.
Watch lesson9 Videos
·37 Minutes
Clearly defining your audience will help you develop compelling content. In this video, you’ll learn strategies for identifying that audience.
Watch lessonResearching and outlining your topic upfront is a crucial step to producing a cohesive course. In this video, we will talk about the two phases of the method that I use.
Watch lessonWant to make your viewer feel overwhelmed? Teach them everything all at once! Try the stair-stepping technique instead.
Watch lessonAs you're teaching, try to "speak on behalf of the viewer." Openly addressing common objections to your subject matter can help create trust with your learner.
Watch lessonVideo length is somewhat dependent on platform. Let's talk about the different considerations when deciding how long your videos should be.
Watch lessonIt sounds like a bad idea, but it's OK to show a wrong or sub-optimal method first, especially if that's what the viewer would have done on their own. That gives you the opportunity to teach the better (or more correct) method.
Watch lessonReading from a script or recording off-the-cuff is totally up to you, but I have my opinions! We'll talk about tradeoffs of each.
Watch lessonIn this video, we’ll look at my method for outlining my ideas. This method can save me up to a couple of hours per video.
Watch lessonManaging yourself can be tricky. I’ll show you how it’s done, and encourage you to keep it simple.
Watch lesson8 Videos
·35 Minutes
An introduction to the equipment section, where I beg you to not worry about buying a bunch of things.
Watch lessonIt's up to you! I am going to try to convince you to be on camera for at least a little bit though. Showing your face on camera can help build rapport with your audience.
Watch lessonIn this video, we'll discuss the different tiers of cameras, and I'll offer a recommendation for each tier.
Watch lessonFar more important than the camera is the microphone. I'll give you a few levels of recommendations here as well.
Watch lessonIf you are going to be on camera, having just a few lights can take your setup to the next level quite easily.
Watch lessonYou don't need to buy a new monitor! But it will help to set it up correctly for recording.
Watch lessonNow that you've got all of your equipment... where does everything go? I'll show you how mine is set up and things you'll need to think about.
Watch lessonA fun little app that I use occasionally. Not always useful, but very good when you do need it.
Watch lesson12 Videos
·61 Minutes
Creating a cohesive, consistent course can be difficult over time. In this video, we'll talk about a few things to keep in mind that can help you achieve that goal.
Watch lessonBefore you record any video, it's important that you prepare yourself. We'll run through a checklist of things to prepare in this video.
Watch lessonIf you're going to be on camera, you'll need to prep your space. There are a couple things you'll need to think about to maximize consistency.
Watch lessonEliminating distraction is a crucial part of an effective screencast. I'll show you all the things you can hide to help your viewers focus.
Watch lessonWhen you're working in an application on-screen, you need to hide every single thing that isn't relevant. We'll take a look at several examples of things you might consider hiding.
Watch lessonHow do you start a video? How do you end it? I'll show you what I think is most natural.
Watch lessonGetting a video recorded perfectly the first time is a daunting task. In this video we'll talk about how you can break it down into chunks to make it less overwhelming.
Watch lessonTo show you how "recording in chunks" works, here are a bunch of outtakes from this very course!
Watch lessonHow to set up your screen recording software with the correct settings. I'll be demoing ScreenFlow, but also make a few recommendations for other software.
Watch lessonYou're going to make mistakes in your videos, that's guaranteed. The way you handle them depends on what kind of mistake it is!
Watch lessonOnce you've finally finished your videos, you want them to remain evergreen for as long as possible! I'll give you a few tips to make sure your videos don't feel stale.
Watch lessonA word of encouragement for when you record a screencast with no video. Or no audio. Or you didn't record at all.
Watch lesson15 Videos
·70 Minutes
Editing is a big topic! We'll go over what you can expect from this module.
Watch lessonLet's take a look around at the editor and familiarize ourselves with the layout.
Watch lessonThe first step in the editing process is the rough cut. There are likely bad takes in your video, and we want to cut those out as quickly as possible without wasting any time.
Watch lessonAfter you've done your rough cut pass, it's time to do the fine tuning pass.
Watch lessonAdding a few transitions or a bit of movement can make your videos feel much more polished.
Watch lessonLet's enhance the actions that we learned about in the previous video.
Watch lessonTaking advantage of saved presets will save you time and make your videos much more consistent.
Watch lessonRecording talking head videos gives you fewer opportunities for seamless edits. In this video we'll explore some ways to hide those edits.
Watch lessonYou may have recorded the entire screen, but you don"t have to use the entire screen!
Watch lessonSometimes you'll notice a mistake while editing and using a freeze frame (or partial freeze frame!) is a good way to minimize or eliminate that mistake.
Watch lessonA fast and furious way to use freeze frames to make your edits disappear.
Watch lessonFine tuning is important, but we still need to do it quickly. I''ll show you my keyboard-only workflow for fine tuning incredibly quickly.
Watch lessonHaving clean audio is extremely important. Hopefully your audio is already good, thanks to your space and your microphone. In this video we'll talk about how to process the audio further to make it even better.
Watch lessonUsing a few very basic techniques (J & L cuts) we can make our transitions feel smoother than just an abrupt cut.
Watch lesson5 Videos
·14 Minutes
Getting your video off of your hard drive and into the world starts with exporting. Let's talk about the right settings to export your videos!
Watch lessonExporting a portion of the video for previewing or exporting every single video in a batch, I'll show you how to do both.
Watch lessonWhere should you put your videos? I have my favorite spots, but we'll look at a few others too.
Watch lessonYou want people to watch your videos, so you need to tell everyone about them! I'll share some of my marketing tactics in this video.
Watch lessonThis is potentially the end of the course for some of you, I just want to quickly say thanks!
Watch lesson8 Videos
·28 Minutes
Every social platform is different, and each has their own requirements for videos. This will serve as an overview of the platforms.
Watch lessonWhat does the social media platform want out of you, what do you want to create, and is there a middle ground?
Watch lessonRepurposing your content can be a little tricky, because it can lead to lower quality results.
Watch lessonTwitter is my favorite platform for sharing short form video content. We'll talk about what I think works well and what doesn't on Twitter.
Watch lessonYouTube is the best place to share your standalone long-form videos. It can be a great place to share a few videos from your course as marketing, or completely standalone videos.
Watch lessonInstagram Reels is another short-form platform where you might find an audience for your videos.
Watch lessonLinkedIn is a surprisingly vital social network where you can share your videos if your audience is there. We'll talk about requirements for that platform.
Watch lessonNot everything on TikTok is dances! It can be a good place to share your short-form content.
Watch lesson7 Videos
·47 Minutes
An introduction to the teardowns section. What's important is not my taste, but yours!
Watch lessonA review of the first video from a course called Component Odyssey.
Watch lesson